"Castle of Otronto" (Mark Tapes) CDR
A very good album by Mark Anthony Miller, who was nice enough
to give me one of all his merchandise he had for sale at No
Fun Fest! I have no idea what the title is in reference to,
but instead of a track listing there is a frightening poem.
“ascending stairs, she looked at me, voices from the
walls, I strangled her –over and over, it was my mom,
his majesty breathes through the walls, am I alive –don’t
think I’ve escaped too late for suicide in the castle
of otronto”. Yipes, it sounds like a frightening place,
that castle! The music is less frightening, for me at least,
but then again I am used to this kind of stuff. It would probably
make a good soundtrack for a horror movie though. It sounds
like rewired electronics, but not really the overloaded ADD
style that a lot of the “circuit benders” today
use, Anthony lets the instruments breathe and it is sort of
minimalist, but not in the boring sense. If you have insomnia
and are trying to sleep, this would probably keep you awake
because you’d want to listen all the way through, but
if you were very tired, this would be nice to listen to as
you drift off. I guess I am just saying it is minimalist because
it is being made by just one dude. This album is a good length,
15 minutes. Actually all these albums by Tony are good lengths
too, even the ones that last longer. There are a couple little
snippets of other people on the last two tracks, one is some
sort of choir hollering, and another is a loud radio snip.
Listening to this on headphones, I feel totally high, and
I keep on thinking about this dream I had last night where
I talked to a giant frog. He instructed me on something, but
I can’t remember what.
"Diversion of the Left and Right" (no label)
The cover of this album was drawn by fellow Blastitude writer
Bonnie Banks, I think. I don’t know, I just saw this
online gallery of her drawings, and it’s totally the
same style, psychedelic robotic organic creature people with
text on the figures style. Anyways, whether Bonnie drew it
or not, it’s a good looking cover. If she didn’t,
and if it was a member of Metalux who drew it, Bonnie should
be ashamed, for totally RIPPING OFF IDEAS! Or vice versa.
Ahem. The first track is really good, it starts off with some
broken beats (or “breakbeats” as I think they
are called, when they are talking about a totally different
style of beat, a beat that isn’t broken AT ALL!) Then
some metal guitar starts, then some singing and then the song
ends! What more do you need for a song? NOTHING! You know,
even though Metalux are one of my all time favorite bands,
I have talked to a couple people from Chicago who will go
unnamed who said they didn’t really care for Metalux
when they played at No Fun Fest. They totally ruled there
though! Everyone from Chicago is fucking retarded! Metalux
are like everything good about psychedelic music, minus the
bullshit, like song structure. Maybe they don’t like
them because Metalux isn’t a very good band name. It’s
fairly generic, don’t you think? And this is coming
from someone who used to be in a band called Carl Patrick.
Metalux sort of sounds like a name that Gene Simmons would
come up as a new “snazzier” name for National
Public Radio. But Metalux is the name they came up with, and
they have enough albums out now where I don’t even care
about the name anymore. Band names are pretty much ALWAYS
stupid anyways. From here on out the name Metalux means only
“Transizzt” (Mark Tapes) CDR
A nice lil couple of songs, “folkbore” and “monkeytalk”
on the CDR format, which is good because I don’t have
a working record player right now. Folkbore starts off with
a soothing throb of machine running washes, peaceably massaging
my lobes like a boring folk musician whose performance at
a coffee shop I am attending, while high enough on oxycontin,
bourbon, and, hmm, marijuana perhaps, let’s say? For
me to totally be able to ignore the onslaught of bad vibe
poetry and instead listen to the textural hum of the blood
rushing through my ears. A yes, a “Folk Bore”
indeed. Oh wait, since it is a coffee shop I’d probably
be hitting the coffee pretty hard too, and there is a bit
of jittery paranoia that comes with the music as well! Or
perhaps that is due to the ephedrine which I have taken, on
top of the aforementioned drugz. Ah, a fine young lass is
trying to catch my eye! She sees the book I am reading, “Holy
Blood Holy Grail”, and she has read it herself! Unfortunatley
I had a bit too much of the bourbon, and I just remembered
that I smoked some mushrooms with my buddy Smelko before I
ventured out into the mean streets. My attempt to convey my
belief that the Knights Templar in fact possessed Jesus’s
actual HEAD which was a cornerstone (the one the builders
rejected) of one of their rituals, has instead come out a
slurry blur. A pint of fear arises in her eyes, and she carefully
edges off and out the door, as I stare into the lights and
see spurts of blue black appear around the edges. Another
lay waylaid by the folkbore.
Then the monkeytalk starts,
and it’s that time of night and everything turns out
fine after all, though there isn’t any “touching
the junk”, some good, though insane chatter happens,
and friendships are formed. What is better than friendship?
In conclusion, Transizzt
is a good tool for helping you make friends with your brain,
and it comes in an edition of 8! That’s a good numerical
amount for lots of things!
“Chromosome Gun” (Load Records) CD
Boom bap boom bap boom bap jazz! Rock and roll rock and roll
lord how I love to rock and roll! If you like to jazz out
and rock out at the same time, but think the Flying Luttenbachers
are “overrated” (note: they aren’t actually
overrated, hardly anyone likes em!) then this is the album
for you! Or maybe not. I don’t know, this is maybe a
little too rock and roll for me sometimes, though the saxophone
playing is always top notch. It is by Frode Gjerstad. Anders
Hana plays the guitar, Kjetil Brandsdal jams the bass, and
Morten J. Olsen hits the drums. Wait, why did I say it was
too rock and roll? Now the rock seems fine. And it’s
only a little bit over a half hour long too, which is the
perfect amount of time for the album to last. I just realized
I should be supporting these guys more, since they are from
Norway, which is MY ethnic background! What kind of a white
supremacist would I be if I didn’t support Ultrayd?
Well actually, I guess if I was ACTUALLY a white supremacist
I’d be upset by all the “negro influence”
in this band. And also I’d probably get upset with myself
over the fact that I pretty much hate every Scandanavian country
EXCEPT Norway! Sheesh, it’s a good thing I am not a
white supremacist!
Bleeding “Shanked and Slithering” (Hospital Productions)
Huh, the first time I listened to this I thought it sounded
totally nice and soothing and warm in a tape fuzz sort of
way, but THIS time listening to it, it sounds like your standard
knob twiddling banging metal yelling noise band. But done
super well, make no mistake, if I’m in the mood for
some heavy old school noises, I will pop this in and start
jamming out like a electrocuted horse! It is interesting how
different this sounds from the first time I listened to it
though! That’s one thing I like about noise, lots of
people are talking shit about it these days, from Tom Smith
with his preference for drum and bass, to Robert Hair Police,
listening to his Nillsson, but you never really get the full
spectrum of one album sounding completely different on repeated
listens like you do with improvey noisey noises albums. What
sounds like a half robot half tiger dentist sticking a taser
inside his half dead ass one time, sounds totally like a nature
hippy goddess sticking a stick of cinnamon in her half alive
tracheotomy hole another time! Anyways, these Controlled Bleeding
dudes have been around for quite some time now, and one of
em is also in Breast Fed Yak, who I think I remember liking,
though where I heard them before I can’t for the life
of me remember! TOP NOTCH, HOLMES!
"Scorpion Minds Sndtrk/Live at DAS Sndtrk" (Mark
Tapes) tape
11!!!11! OMG WTF 1!11!!1! LOL 1!11! OMG LOL MASTICATION 1!1!1
OMG 11!!11!1 OMG LOL !!!11 OMG LOL !11!1 OMG LOL THIS IS UR
the patch
So I got a HZMT patch from Anthony too, when he was giving
me all sorts of things he made! I picked out this one because
it had the most colors on it (I was very drunk, whitecrossed,
and hazed at the time), but it turns out those colors were
in fact forming a person from the children’s cartoon
(and videogame, and I think collectible trading card game
too), Dragonball Z! The patch is made from a pillow, I am
pretty sure. Anyways, the logo for the show was still on there,
but I cut that part off because I HATE corporate logos, but
I think the rest of the patch looks great! It looks very sporty
combined with my Hair Police “Gnarly Times” patch!
ftng Lasse Marhaug “All Men Are Pigs” (Gameboy
Records) CD
More music from Norway! And another supercollab! This cd is
super good. Pitchforkmedia dot com even says so, they gave
it an 8.1! Of course Pitchfork is wrong once again, this release
clearly deserves a 9.7 AT LEAST! 8.9 on a bad day! Or, just
maybe, the idea of giving numbers to albums is completely
ridiculous! Anyways, the cd is real solid through and through,
nice combination of textures, and just the right amount of
repetition. And the second track features some “Purple
Haze” in the mix, that’s always good. Just a taste
though, then some tapey manipulation totally plongs your brain
in all the right ways. A nice psychedelic peace vibe through
the whole thing, and the love continues inside the cover,
with a picture of the girls of Fe-Mail posing with Lasse,
who has a big lipstick kiss on his forehead! Even though he
has one of those horrible “baseball goatees”,
also known as “shit rings” or “dick targets”.
The front cover has a drawing of a woman with a huge bosom
wearing a white t-shirt, and holding a gigantic gun in front
of her crotch area. It’s pretty funny! I would say if
I was freaking out while on psychedelic drugs, or having a
psychotic breakdown, this would be a good record to calm me
Eyes “Dog Jaw” (Heresee) CDR
This is probably my favorite Wolf Eyes release yet! No song
titles, which is fine with me, because I can never keep straight
what song is what anyways! I really like track 2 on here,
it’s some echoed out tape manipulation with Nate doing
some sick moaning over it. But sick in a very spiritual way,
not sick in an “uhhhh, that’s a very creative
way of using photoshop” way. (Which Nate has been rumored
to do as well. Naw, not really). This whole album has pretty
much all the best elements of Wolf Eyes, except there aren’t
any of the “rockers”, it’s all just jamming
with low bass, echoes, fuzz, and high pitched weed. There
are also some dogs barking, which is always good to hear.
Oh, and the title is a neat trick you can play on people,
you say “Have you heard my dog jaw”? and you kind
of move your jaw a little bit. When they lean in close to
you to try and hear it, you bark at them really loud, “WOOF
WOOF WOOF!” It’s pretty hilarious, I did it to
my mom one time and nearly peed my pants! (From laughing at
my mom, who nearly peed her pants in startle.)
Stereo “Live At Sonic Protest” (Chocolate Monk)
Speaking of dogs, this CD has some husky dogs on the cover!
Awwww, they are so cute! It was recorded in Paris in 2004,
and features Karen Constance, and Dylan Nyoukis, w/ Milch
Grand. Who is Milch Grand? I can’t remember, I know
I’ve heard the name before though. I am also not sure
what the Sonic Protest was about. Hmm, I just looked it up
on the Chocolate Monk website, but it just has a quote from
Hicham Chadley in Blastitude. I guess I could look it up there,
but I won’t bother, that magazine’s really been
going down hill lately! The show seems to have been mostly
guitar feedback and tape manipulation, but wait, I just found
out this was mangled by Karen, so I guess I have no idea what
the fuck is going on, it’s just some good sounds! Who
cares how they were made? Even though it would be interesting
to find out, just like I should really find out how frogs
make those weird noises so loud! I think I will do that now.
“Damaged Casket” (Hippie Overlord) CDR
Daaaamn! Has Pengo made any BAD albums? This is in an edition
of 50 but I wish it was more, and is two tracks, which I also
wish was more! The first one starts out with a two note low
bass groove, with some e-bowed guitar (or something) doing
some high pitched diddles over it. Then the super catchy folk
guitar comes in, with some muffled drum machine beats, and
a repetitive high pitched noise. I always think it is good
when bands mix up ranges of frequency. Good looking cover,
it has Pengo pictured as a 4 headed beast with small creepy
hands, and connected to a stalk of some kind. The back has
an advertisement for an 800 number that sells caskets (or
possibly repairs them). Track 2 is from some German radio
show, which they played over the phone. It’s pretty
funny when the Germans talk at the beginning, and try to figure
out how to pronounce Pengo! The music starts with some layered
vocals of John Schoen talking some sort of jibber jabber,
I think they are trying to figure out how to work the phone
contraption. It sounds pretty good for being recorded over
the phone, it’s an interesting fidelity to work with.
They jam mightily, as always. In conclusion, this is one “damaged
casket” you WON’T need to “repair”!
With The Earth “Waiting” (Chondritic Sound) 3”
Man, that movie Sleeping With The Earth was a good one, the
one with Julia Roberts where it turns out her husband turns
out to be…PLANET EARTH! Or maybe that wasn’t actually
a movie. It is a band though, a band of one man named Eric
Christopherson from Portland Oregon. It’s a really nice
looking package too, actually all Chondritic’s covers
are good. And I am not normally a fan of 3”ers, they
usually look crappy, but Chondritic’s always are extremely
aesthetically pleasing, nice artwork and well spray-painted
CDs. This one has a black and white photo of a woman who looks
like a silent era film star, and there’s also a goth
vibe to it. The good kind of goth though, not the platform
heels and lunchbox kind. The songs all pretty melancholy sounding,
low bass hums with washes over them, and some dim echoed out
vocals. A perfect soundtrack…for murder!
Stein “What Ever Happened To Freenoise?” (Breathmint)
Hmmm, I may be wrong above, this may actually be a CDR. The
CD has an American Flag design, and the Breathmint logo, but
that might just be drawn on. If it is a CDR, it’s a
damn good design! I took it out and it IS a CDR, who makes
this kind? The title also poses a good question, what did
happen to the freenoise discussion board? It used to have
all sorts of drama, and now it’s just show listings.
The music on here is pretty swingin’, it’s some
free rock songs. I wish the songs had titles, I bet they’d
be good! It seems to be recorded live. The first track has
some guy talking on it, and he sounds sort of like Richard
Meltzer on the Smegma albums, but this guy is real low in
the mix, so you can’t understand anything he’s
saying, ever. It still sounds cool though. The guitars and
drums play themes of failure, despair, paranoia, but ultimately,
triumph. The triumph is pretty far down the road though. On
the cover is an old man wearing a hat, whose complete upper
torso is made of a birdcage, with two birds in it. The second
track has some backwards tape loud blarey noises. It’s
kind of dumb, but it’s short! Track 3 starts out with
some chinky metal banging and some dude singing all dramatically
in a cavemannish fashion. Then one or two voices come in and
they attempt some harmonies, sounding sorta like Three Dog
Night when the band was all smacked out and their penises
were exploding. (Note: check out Chuck Negron’s autobiography
Three Dog Nightmare to read more about this delightful tale!)
Then everyone starts hissing, and saying “quiet time”,
then someone says “that’s enough” and the
song is over! If R.L. Stine ever comes to your town to play,
go check em out, I guarantee they’ll give you “goosebumps”!
“G.R.” (Hospital Productions/Force of Nature)
This is a concept album and the concept is: A chilling glimpse
into the mind…of a shoplifter! Actually it is not, it’s
about a serial killer, the Green River killer. And the musical
genre is…power electronics! They are some nice sounding
power electronics though, heavy on the bass, and the vocals
sound good. I am pretty sure lots of people out there would
call this “generic”, but those same people would
probably call Negative Approach a generic hardcore band. Fuck
em! The lyrics are pretty good, and scary! They seem to be
pretty well researched, there are dates given and the stories
all seem like they could’ve happened, and I am sure
some of them are actual quotes from the guy. However, I know
pretty much nothing about the Green River killer, so I couldn’t
say for sure, I don’t even know the guy’s name!
And my brother is using the internet right now, so I can’t
look it up. From the lyrics though, apparently the guy was
very crazy, and killed LOTS of prostitutes! One track is called
“Known Victims” and it’s just some atmospheric
synths while a woman reads a list of all the known victims
with minimal details, and it’s 12 minutes long! I probably
won’t listen to this that often, but when I’m
in the mood for some spooky songs about serial killing, this
is the album I will put on!
Almanac “Something” (8mm Records) CDR
Wow, this is one of the best cover’s I’ve ever
seen! It’s an extra big cardboard case with a completely
beautiful psychedelic design by Carly Ptak. Inside the information
is printed on the back of a very nice photograph of the group,
who are named as Cpteek, Thirpor, and Mesiburgr. Like the
album above, these songs are about killers, but in this case
the criminals in question were “murdering” the
charts with their smash hit records! The songs are called
“INXS”, “Smashing Pumpkings”, and
“Kraftwork”. The music is pretty much just “classic
style” Nautical Almanac mindswaggle gloms and blorps
and whatnot. It sounds great to me now, but the other day
I listened to it, and it seemed like the most annoying thing
ever! I think I’d just got home from a crap day at my
job though, and working with a bunch of hick morons and racist
college students would make anyone crazy. Fortunately I quit
that job, so I will be able to enjoy this from here on out,
“Secretions From The Laboratory” (Mark Tapes)
In the 5th Year of George W. Bush, president of the United
State, Quegs listened to secretions from the laboratory and
had a dream and visions of his head upon his bed, then he
wrote the dream, and told the sum of the matters.
Quegs spake and said, I saw in my vision by night, and, behold,
the four winds of the heaven strove upon the great sea.
And four great beasts
came up from the sea, diverse one from another.
The first was like a lion,
and had eagle’s wings, I beheld till the wings therof
were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made
stand upon the feet as a man, and a man’s heart was
given to it.
And behold another beast,
a second, like to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side,
and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth
of it, and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh.
After this I beheld, and lo
another, like a leopard, which had upon the back of it four
wings of a fowl, the beast also had four heads, and dominion
was given to it.
After this I saw in the
night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible,
and strong exceedingly, and it had great iron teeth, it devoured
and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet
of it, and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before
it, and it had ten horns.
I considered the horns, and behold, there came up among them
another little horn, before whom there were three of the first
horns plucked up by the roots, and behold, in this horn were
eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking great things.
Pat (as Transparent Pat) “Music For Cracked Cases”
This was originally released on a cassette in a cracked case,
thus the name, but my version is on CDR, in a nice little
transparent case which has been spraypainted. The cover has
Pat with his face contorted by Photoshop into a hideous visage,
which looks remarkably similar to how Twig Harper looks ALL
the time! The music is quite foreboding, with lots of glunky
black beats and whispered demon vocals. But when you meet
the actual Pat, he is quite a gentleman, and he even wears
facial glitter sometimes! Uh oh, I just realized that all
these reviews have been positive! And after I’d just
read an article in some free paper which mentioned “losers
on the internet praising all sorts of obscure releases”!
The gist of the article was that reviewing music is a skill
that can only be learned with time, and an editor guiding
your hand, and the ability to pick apart music and see how
it works! (And a limitless supply of free promotional CDs
too, presumably.) And I haven’t been doing ANY of that!
(Me neither!! -- ed.) But even though to have any
sort of journalistic credibility whatsoever, I should say
the CD sucks, I just can’t. And even if I did, Roland
Woodbe’s comments on Glamorous Pat in the last couple
issues of Bananafish were a million times better than any
joke I could come up with! I can’t remember what they
were, exactly, but it involved Calvin Johnson, and that guy’s
just all around comedy gold. I guess I can still make this
sort of like a respectable review you’d see in a free
paper though, here goes. “Cracked Cases is quite a slab
o wax, sounding like Block Party meets the Replacements…ON
ACID! 3/5.5 stars.”
Mind and Luasa Raelon “Night Maintenance” (Chondritic
Sound/Snip Snip) CD
Well, I know Hive Mind is Greh from Chondritic Sound, a real
“Mountain Dew chugger” as the Bull Tongue column
said. I assume they weren’t making fun of him, since
I know those dudes are nice, but my brother who lives in Boston
told me that people on the East Coast consider Mountain Dew
to be a pop (or “sodey” as I believe they call
it) that hicks drink! I guess it is sort of true though, now
that I think about it, it’s probably the most popular
beverage at the warehouse I work at. But I drink it a lot
too. I have no idea where I am going with this. Anyways, the
other guy is from Columbus. I am pretty sure I’ve seen
the name around, but I have no idea what or who Luasa Raelon
is. From the sound of it, some sort of sphinx alien. People
throw the “drone” label at Hive Mind’s music
pretty often, myself included (not in print though, I don’t
think) but I guess Greh don’t like that. It isn’t
quite drone when you listen to it, so I see where he’s
coming from. More of a buzz or a purr. Buzz music we should
call it, since it’s a hive and all. The CD cover is
on heavy stock and the picture is of some sort of root and
brush system. Forest shit, when I empty my mind while listening
to this, and picture a door, and slowly open that door what
I see is a black squirrel in a tree with a glint in his eye.
Somewhat menacing, but I am in no real danger. Without the
proper mindset I would be, though. When purchasing a Hive
Mind recording, if you have never meditated for 3 days on
a rotting corpse, caveat emptor!
“Throne” (Load Records) CD
Oh man I am starting to get a little freaked out. Remember
that HZMT review I wrote a bit back there where it sounds
like I am quoting from the Bible? Well I was, it’s from
the book of Daniel. Anyways, I was planning on reviewing this
Excepter album before I wrote that review even, only I hadn’t
received it in the mail yet. So I DO get it in the mail, and
on the inside cover it says “Daniel 7:09”. So
I look it up, and it’s the verse IMMEDIATELY after the
LAST verse I wrote in the HZMT review! Pretty strange form
of synchronicity, maaaaan! Well, about this album, it’s
a good one, the best by Excepter yet, I think! Well at least
as good as the live tape on the Beast 666 label. Much more
spaced out, and less dancy. Maybe dancy isn’t the word
I am looking for. I don’t know, I probably would’ve
used the quoting the bible “trick” instead for
this album, if I hadn’t already done that. The thing
this music probably reminds me most of is back when I’d
chug some Robotussin and close my eyes and I’d be on
some sort of ride of some sort, one time it was a big train
car filled with autumn leaves. Another time it was a hollowed
out log on a river of lava. Another time it was a crystal
pod hurtling through outer space. This sort of sounds like
all those at once. Oh yes, the vocals are a high point, they
were always great, but better than ever, great whispery mercurial
demon stuff sometimes, and holy guardian angelic beauty others!
And the last song is called “(The Ass)”, which
is always a good name for a song! (But it has to be spelled
with the parentheses to be good. -- ed.) It
ends with some ocean sounds, which I wish would’ve gone
on longer. The CD is only 33:33 long, there was plenty of
more room! Still, it is still good to see people putting out
CDs at reasonable lengths. And a little over a half hour is
pretty much perfect!
Keffer “Pollutes” (Action Claw) CDR
Wow, this is easily the most beautiful packaging for a CD
that I own! Even a blind person could enjoy this, since it
feels good to touch too. A fuzzy cover, and then tassels on
the sides as well? The only problem is that the entire cover
comes off when you open the case, so you have to be really
careful not to break it! The recording sounds good too, it’s
a bit lo fi, but that’d be because it’s live.
Live in Athens OH, Winter of 2005, except for one track that
was recorded in Miami. This is a reissue of a tape that was
on Gameboy Records, a very fine label. The songs are very
good, textures and waaahs and hums. Every now and then a bit
of melody is allowed to blossom, but then dies, like a cherry
blossom, or a samurai warrior who is inspired by cherry blossoms!
Or like Leslie, strangling an old woman at a hot dog eating
contest while in the midst of a blackout rage! Speaking of
drinking, I ended up cadging (is that even a word? I think
it is, but it doesn’t look right. Is it Brittish? God,
I hope not!) a whole bunch of Leslie Keffer merch, so I better
save some of my metaphors for those, since I promised I’d
review them ALL! Anyways, you should totally get this if you
can, but it’s an edition of 30 for the tour, so you
probably can’t. Because surely the tour is over by now.
You might as well just stick a sword in your gut like the
aforementioned samurai.
Artists “Patchouli and Echoes” (Chocolate Monk/Temple
of Be 777) dbl CDR
I hope I have that 777 label name right. It’s the old
Beast 666 label, or at least the same guy does it. Man, this
double CD has been in the works for a loooong time! I remember
reading about it in Bananafish like 5 years ago, maybe even
longer. Well worth the wait though, this is probably my favorite
various artists compilation of ALL TIME. Up there with Labyrinths
and Jokes, the Blorp Essete 4CD reissue, Anthology of American
Folk Music, the CD of minute long commercial songs about St
Ides Malt Liquor…a heady pantheon indeed! The bands
are all top notch, The Beast People (sounding very unlike
they usually do for the first half of their song), Mini Systems,
Ron of Japan, Sun City Girls, Shadow Ring, Don Bolles. Then
there’s the bands I had not heard before but totally
rule, like The Lidz, Space Machine, Die Todliche Doris. Then
there was what I was REALLY excited about, Gernols (Reynols
plays Germs), which just ends up sounding like your basic
Reynols songs actually (one of the rockin kind). Which I would
maybe be disappointed by if this was, say, a 5RC or Troubleman
comp, but it’s not. CDs are split up into the Chocolate
Monk CD and the 777 CD, both equally good. Seriously, it’s
always hard to pick which one to put on. Some very nice artwork
too, actually one of the pictures is quite similar in style
to Don Van Vliet’s artwork on the Blorp Essette tapes!
And one of the pictures is even better, a naked cowboy with
a hook hand! The cover is a photo of a young boy gripping
at what appears to be a beer bottle. You should do likewise,
only grip THIS ALBUM instead of, or better yet, AT THE SAME
TIME as a “cold frosty one”. Man, I just realized
my reviews have all been overwhelmingly positive! Well, what
do you expect, I got all these albums FOR FREE!
Pinga “The Brown Mouth Downer” (Chocolate Monk)
Another good one by the DP, which is very hard to describe
in words. I wonder if language technology will one day leap
forward to the point where music CAN be accurately described
by words? Maybe even ONE word could describe an ENTIRE record
label’s catalogue! “Have you heard of the Heresee
label? No? Well here ya go, ‘<some sort of one word
metaphor>’”. That one syllable really summed
up this album, didn’t it? And don’t even get me
started on the “Vigilance” syllable particle!
Toreup “Cock Jamz” 3” (no label)
Cool album. These guys are at the top of the free music ladder,
in my opinion! I especially like the 3” format on this.
Remember earlier in my reviews when I said I normally don’t
like them? Well now I like them a lot! You can hold them in
the palm of your hand, and they are adorable! Like little
pokemons or something. Anyways, this appears to be all live
shows, I think they might be mixed together though, but I
can’t really tell how. Starts off with a total LAFMS
vibe, with some noise harmonica (always awesome, didn’t
Wolf Eyes use a harmonica for a while back in the day? Yeah,
they did, Aaron used it, and her name was “Lucille”,
bring that back, boys!), then the song heads out to the land
where the borders become less defined, and the space jam turns
multicolored and uuugghhhlllll… I’s a good’un…..
Oh, I should also mention that the case it’s in looks
really nice, sewn and everything, only it’s a little
too small to hold the CD. Only slightly though, and it actually
kind of makes it look nicer, or at least more special.
Terror “Tumor Eclipse” (Durable Stimuli)
Ah, another favorite format, or I should probably say packaging.
A CDR housed in an old 5.25 inch Floppy Disc! This one has
nice printing on the label too, cursive style font on the
band name and title. Classy! Anyways, the first song on here
is called “Jamboree in the Hills” and it’s
as fun as it sounds! Garbled junked up tape noises, with vocals
here and there, saying cool things like “jica-jica!”,
or “chic chic chicachica”. Like in that one “Oh
Yeah” song by Yello from Ferris Beuller! Then the jamboree
turns super hill-billy. With la la screechy bleltching and
whatnot. After this track, the next 40 songs are “loops”,
but they pretty much all have blank space in them. I suppose
it’d still be fine to listen to looping though. Oh wait,
they are not ALL loops, a song called “Bodacious Load”
just started. What a good title! I really love the word bodacious.
I will bet this is a good song to “drop a bodacious
load” to! You know what I’m talking about dudes?
Anyways, I really like listening to the loop songs all in
a row, it’s like that one Red Krayola album, Coconut
Hotel, or Ruzelstirn and Gurglestock at their best, ya know?
You never know what’s going to come next! And silence
is nice, even if you could hear it just by turning off the
stereo. Tusco Terror are definitely on the front lines of
the psychedelic noise renaissance, I think I am going to write
to them and try to get a copy of their Heresee album, which
is out of print now! (A special note written before “press
time”: dudes, the heresee album is ok, but not all that
2 Heart/Tusco Terror/Leslie Keffer (No Label) CDR
Another good looking package…and I’m not just
talking about the ARTISTS! HAW HAW HAW! Seriously though,
Leslie is a total babe, the Heart 2 Heart girls are total
babes, and the Tusco Terror boys are all total hunks! This
album is discriminatory against ugly people! I heard a rumor
that Quad Muth was supposed to be on this album (and tour,
since it’s a tour release, edition of 40), but the rest
of the bands decided they were too ugly! (In reality it was
because Quad Muth broke up, amicably, but it still doesn’t
change my point!) Anyways, enough about these band’s
amazing collective asses, how about the music you ask? Well
Heart 2 Heart start off with a song called “Awesome
2”, which is a loud samply noise jam. It doesn’t
make much sense to me, but that’s probably because I
missed "Awesome 1". Their second song, "Creation
Myth", is mixed very quiet. It’s a more droney
low end feedback type of jam, which sounds exactly like when
God created the world in the book of Genesis. The first part
of the story though, the one where God makes man and woman
at the same time, not the later tacked on part where he makes
woman out of Adam’s rib. Those sounded totally different,
when they happened, in various times in mythology. I wasn’t
actually there, but my brother taped it for me. Anyways, track
3 is by Tusco Terror, and is also quiet. It is called “Ransom
Newton”. I wonder if it’s a reference to this
idea John Schoen had to kidnap Mat Rademan at No Fun Fest?
We were going to kidnap him, drive him down to the docks,
and say in foreign accents “Next time send out your
orders on time!” I guess lots of other people had the
same idea though, maybe The Tusco Terrors came up with it
independently. It is a good song, and sounds as good as getting
ransom money for Rademan would feel! Their next song, “Warlock’s
Grave” is of a similar vibe, but it gets a little creakier
and more duct taped as the song moves along. Moving along,
“Misfit” is Leslie’s first song. And it
sounds like a looped version of Danzig getting punched out
after attempting to sucker punch a member of an opening band,
whom D. didn’t allow to play. In other words, it sounds
gorgeous! Her next song “Now Is The Time” has
some vocals in it, but very distorted with some nice machine
buzz hugging them. And her last song, which is also the last
song on the album, “Nature” is more machine buzz
fuzz loop heaven. Doesn’t really song like nature though!
Well I guess it is reminiscent of a frozen tundra, which is
actually part of nature. You just don’t usually think
of it as such. Then there’s a nice 3 note melody which
repeats. You know the kind I am talking about. They are pretty
much always good, and this time is no exception.
“Live: Behind the Green Door” (Chondritic Sound)
3" CDR
Shit yeah! Totally crappy recording of a live show at Greh
(or “Grey” as he is spelled on this one) and Charley
D’s place. Well, I guess the recording isn’t TOTALLY
crappy, but it’s pretty low level. Also, there’s
a skipping noise through the whole thing. I don’t think
it’s supposed to be there. Is this what happens with
crap digital recording equipment? I KNOW what crappy analog
recording sounds like, having made enough myself. It’s
a good sound though. 16 songs in 10 minutes, these dudes aren’t
fucking around. Lots of song dedications too! “This
one goes out to the Mutant Moments Crew!” Also, a song
called “Pornlord” is dedicated to a good friend
who passed away (I think, it might’ve been a little
snip of sound between dedications or something). It is pretty
hard to tell what the fuck is going on on this. It’s
all good though, it was probably a million times more awesome
live, but still, I love audio documents of awesome nights,
no matter how they sound! I should probably pick up some of
Bloodyminded’s actual albums. I guess the newest one
is really psychedelic, Dilloway says it sounds like 30
Minuten Mannercreme during some parts!
Guitars, guitars, guitars! And some drums too! This seems
to be Metalux’s guitar oriented album. The title “III”
may be a reference to the Led Zeppelin album by that name.
This seems more influenced by Harry Pussy, but that’s
probably just the guitar and drums combo that’s making
me say that. Because it doesn’t sound like Harry Pussy
at all, really, the styles are totally different, though equally
“free”. There’s lots of guitar duets on
this too, it’s not all guitar and drums. It’s
all really well done, but right now I am feeling sleepy, and
I have a headache, and it is making me a bit nauseous. But
don’t let my headache fool you, this is top notch music,
and is a million times better than EVERY ROCK AND ROLL BAND
EVER! THEY ALL SUCK! Do I have anything else to say about
this? There’s a psychedelic lion on the cover. The songs
have titles like ‘122”, “141”, “133”,
and “333”. I would like to go into the numerological
significance of these titles, but I am not very good at that
sort of thing. I am going to eat some aspirins and go to bed
Kelley “I don’t want to live forever” (Gameboy
Records/Little Enjoyer) CD
Weird, I totally thought that I’d already reviewed this,
only I guess I didn’t! Maybe I am thinking about the
Dusted review of this, which was a really good one, better
than this one, probably. Anyways, this is a super awesome
CD, Greg Kelley plays trumpet (not that you would be able
to guess that on your own), and spring drum (I am not sure
what that is, so I can’t tell you if it sounds like
one or not). The whole album starts off with loops of a few
of snippets of sounds recorded on hissy tape, with silence
between them. It starts out fairly quiet, with hisses, breath
through the trumpet and springing sounds. The snips vary in
length, and it’s very rhythmically interesting. Later
on it gets more springy and loud in sections, then quiet again.
Then there’s a nice drawn out section of a cold wind
blowin’ for a long time, then at the end, it’s
the themes from earlier! Maybe it’s supposed to be about
reincarnation or something. The themes invoke things like
childhood, the tundra, grot, and old age to me. It’s
probably my favorite CD of this year, or last year, whatever
year it was that it came out. Intellectually stimulating,
fun, and pleasing to the ear, like wrapping your ears in a
quilt on a cold night. It’s really beyond my powers
to write about. Actually, even though I mentioned the Dusted
review of this earlier, the BEST review of this you are going
to find is in the liner notes, and it isn’t just one
piece of writing, it’s two, by Oliver Alden (I can’t
remember who he is, but I may have met him once? Not sure),
and Leif Elgren (don’t think I met him, but his name
is also familiar). So really, if you want to read about this
CD, buy it, or read the liner notes at the store, if it’s
the type of store that just has the empty plastic cases on
the shelves, with the sleeves in them.
Police “s/t” (Hospital Productions) CD
I am pretty sure this CD is self titled, but on the inside
of the spine (the case is clear) it has the phrase “Born
Pissing”. That’d be a good title, but a self titled
album is good too. Anyways, everything on here was previously
released, except for one track. The first two tracks were
a tape on Hospital, in an edition of 50. Wow, I am pretty
sure I have that tape, it must be worth some serious $$ now!
Check me out on ebay at ChunkeyLover420! (not really) Tracks
4 and 5 were on the Mortuary Servants 7” on Freedom
From, which I believe is sold out, and which I also have.
However the b side to that, Rare Animals, acted really weird
on the turntable and kept jumping around. I can’t remember
why exactly, but I think it was because the band put a demon
curse on every record. But the track on this CD works fine,
even though there’s an upside down cross in the CD tray.
Here is an interesting piece of hot gossip, apparently the
band submitted it with the cross right side up! God works
in mysterious ways. Inside, there is some interesting liner
notes, in a cool font, done in a total Xerox mirror lake style,
things like “SEE! The skeleton is the only animal that
looks like it’s owner.” The sounds on here are
great, just as good as they sounded on tape and vinyl, and
unreleased, but still different. I always like it when I have
things on different formats and they have a different flavor
to them. Usually, things sound best on one format, like I
have noticed that Blue Oyster Cult sounds really good on record,
but crappy on CD. I was going to say that this is my favorite
Hair Police CD, but since I got it, Drawn Dead, and then Constantly
Terrified came out, and those are my favorites too. History
of Ghost Dad and Probe Cuttings are also favorites. Obedience
Cuts is another favorite, and also I put up half the money
for that to come out! Blow Out Your Blood has a fond place
in my heart because it was the first one I heard, and is the
best one to freak out squares by playing super loud. But if
none of those existed, the self titled album would definitely
be my favorite Hair Police album OF ALL TIME!
“Black” (Mark Tapes) (CDR)
ALLSONGS ARE BLACK it says on the front cover, with a border
of Chinese newspaper. The cover isn’t black though,
it is green! The music is sort of whispy and staticky, with
occasional drum machine in the background. It’s like
a tornado alert, with sirens, in the middle of a blizzard.
Even though that doesn’t happen. But on this album it
does! It is pretty cool to imagine though, being in a town
in a blizzard and there’s sirens everywhere, and all
of a sudden you see a huge funnel cloud in the sky! Or maybe
you wouldn’t even be able to see it, what with all the
snow blowing everywhere. I have always wondered what it would
be like to be picked up by a tornado. That would be a pretty
wild way to die, I should think. Or even crazier yet, to survive
it, people have survived things like that before. Anyways,
this is a very good HZMT album, and it’s even better
than the Metallica black album and probably as good as the
Prince black album. Well, probably a little better, since
Prince’s rapping kind of sucks on that. Tony is a very
good rapper, I’ve heard, even though he doesn’t
rap on this album. He goes by the name of Rap Bastard, be
on the lookout! All songs are black, indeed.
Ptak “BOTH” (Heresee) CD/DVD
Super cool package here! It’s a soft plastic case that
holds the DVD and CD, then there is a wallpaper artwork thing
you can take out, if you want to read the information about
the piece, or to look at the artwork fully. All the recordings
are made entirely of Carly’s voice, with some effects
and triggers. She really goes all out with the noises you
can make with your mouth too, lots of hisses, burbles, glossiolia,
and much much more. Including the noise known as “talking”.
My favorite parts are the “pronoia” pieces, which
are from a live radio call in show, recorded at 4 am, with
Carly helping people out with problems and concerns. Issues
like madness in spiritual development, the concept of concepts,
the difficulty of ridding one’s mind of duality, and
laughter. The latter is my favorite, the guy she is talking
to says “sometimes when we laugh it is because we realize
the sheer ridiculousness of it all!” which I think I
said to a girl one time when I was super drunk. Carly replies,
“It just feels good to laugh, I don’t have to
feel ridiculous! It exercises my chakras, dude!” Man,
she’s sharp! This CD is a very good tool for anyone
who is into self improvement. So is the DVD, which has 4 movies.
One is called Foci Coincide, which is the longest one. It
has lots of close up shots of moving spools and spokes, as
well as my favorite scenes, the ones that have shots of clouds
mixed with shots of moving water. It is very moving, but it
also just plain looks good! You have to be in the right mood
to watch this, but you really should PUT yourself in the right
mood, it is certainly more rewarding and relaxing than watching
some dumb VH1 celebrity special! Ha, I love how I am lecturing
you readers for something that I do! Anyways, the next movie,
Secret Mist, is even more meditational, with Carly taking
on the role of Nature, a sunset with eyes and lips, and a
bit of a nose. Later on she wears the sun, and a cave, and
a misty forest, all the while reminding you to pay attention
to your surroundings, and pay attention to your life, and
be sure to enjoy it. But be warned, throughout the whole thing
there’s a repetitive super low bass throb, which caused
the speakers on my DVD player to go out, they came back later,
I think it was some sort of breaker inside it. So don’t
crank it up too loud if you have a cheap sound system! The
next one is called Dark Fare, and it features Chiara Giovando.
In it Carly and Chiara are dressed up as some Scarlet Women,
dressed up all fancy, gorging themselves on food and wine,
to the point of vomiting. Just the eating ends up looking
super disgusting! However, there is humor in it, and the ending
scene I found to be laugh out loud funny, even though it was
pretty subtle, just the way that Chiara picks up some spaghetti
and puts it back down. And the last movie, Pronoia, is more
of that call in show, with a slide show of Carly’s symmetrical
psychedelic nature art. The call is a very interesting one
too, the man is an actual paranoid, and Carly gives him and
his mother some advice on how they can maybe deal with it.
It’s sound advice for anyone though, really because
everyone gets at least a little paranoid sometimes. And that’s
the end, the punch line to the whole package does not end
up being “BOTH of DEEZ NUTS!”
Hamm “Erotic Thriller” (Pro-Am Entainment International)
Disco, disco, disco, I am going to the disco! A cover of that
great song poem is not on here, but it would fit well I think!
Instead we have a cover of an equally great song, “Cannonball
Run”. But things start out with “Boyz Nite Out
(Remix)”, which is a celebration of hanging out with
your guy friends! (if you are a guy!) I kind of wish there
were more lyrics to this one, and also I kind of like the
original version of the song (which is a secret version at
the end) a little better. Still, it’s a good song, and
more importantly, it’s a fun song. The next song is
about divas, which has always been one of those words that
make me cringe. However, this song has totally turned me around!
Divas are great, and like Big Hamm says “There should
be a Diva channel all day”! Also, like Little Hamm,
I agree that “There should be a Diva channel all night”!
I also enjoy the next song, “In Praise of Older Women”,
which starts out with an awesome choir singing “PRAISE!”
Who doesn’t like older women? However, one thing this
song doesn’t deal with is some advice Jeffery Tambor
gave on the Arrested Development television program. And that
is “Never promise Crazy a baby!” Ahem, moving
on, the next song is called Laughing At Me, which is a descent
into paranoia! However, despite all the talk about how everyone
around them are devils laughing at them, the song is still
insanely catchy and fun! Perhaps the fellow from the Pronoia
call to Carly could be helped by listening to this song, it’d
be like when you are sad and listen to a sad song and it makes
you feel better. The title track, Erotic Thriller is a funny
one, but at the beginning, for some reason a guy who sounds
like he is imitating Bill Clinton is ordering a supersize
meal from a drive-through? Why? It is never explained, and
it makes me angry that these Canadian stinkfaces would make
fun of us Americans! The rest of the song is fun, though again
I would’ve enjoyed more lyrics. The next track is a
little skit about going to Little Hamm’s pad, where
it is made clear that B.H. and L.H do NOT live together and
like the ladies. Later on, Big Hamm walks up to his 3rd floor
pad, which takes 45 seconds! I guess I shouldn’t describe
every song on here, but another favorite one of mine is “Love
Handles”, which is a spotlight for Big Hamm, and it’s
a super fun song. “Love Handles, can you handle it,
can you handle my looove, handles!” I can handle them!
One time I ended up sleeping on a floor next to Big Hamm and
I was told later that I cuddled up to him at one point, in
my sleep! After this is Seafood Taco, which is sort of annoying
to me, in that “seafood taco” as slang for vagina
doesn’t really work in this context for me. But I deal,
by thinking of the song as being about a regular fish taco,
I love those! And finally the cover of Cannonball Run, which
is so fucking dumb. I would probably say it is Hoyt Axton’s
dumbest song ever, but I know for a fact he has written even
DUMBER songs than this one! But still, a song doesn’t
have to be smart to succeed, and it’s a great way to
end the album. There are some “secret” bonus tracks
too, but I won’t give away the surprise. Except for
the original version of Boyz Night Out, that I mentioned earlier,
I guess. Oh, and I forgot to mention, the cover art is INCREDIBLE!
“Self Destruction” (Fusetron) CD
Whoooaah, holy shit another Excepter album. These guys are
kind of my favorite band, but they also kind of freak me out.
Like with that shit with the biblical passages in the previous
review of them, remember that? Anyways, I have read a couple
reviews of this where they mentioned that it was supposed
to be the band’s “house music album”. And
both reviews were like “it’s not like house music,
unless maybe you’re listening to the house music…on
acid!” Man, those were some good reviews. Parts sound
like parts of house music to me though, somewhat, perhaps.
Oh my god I am so fucking high right now. Excepter have several
qualities which I enjoy in music, like (1)lots of echo, (2)weird
synthesizer sounds (3)crazy goodtimes stoned vocals (4)weird
headphone crackle. In conclusion, Excepter man, … a
band for the ages.
