stuff about Bromp Treb Sound System, Fat Worm of Error, Yeay!
Cassettes, and general Western Mass. Mayhem, via an e-mail
interview with THE Neil Young, conducted by THE L. Dolman.)
what's going on with your scene in Western Mass? It sounds
like a real freak show. There are fat kids, bearded
ladies, & cows with holes in 'em. There's this psychological
"Tofu Curtain" that surrounds a central psuedo-liberal,
pseudo-utopia of three college towns in one stupid valley.
To the west there's hills - dotted with tiny hippy holdouts,
summerhomes for the rich (BILL COSBY!!), a couple rustspots,
& some genuine newengland hillbillies. To the east is
a giant valley that was flooded for a waterworks project (Quabbin
Reservior) by the fatcats in Beantown, punishing the ancestors
of Shay's Rebellion. (You could start inserting footnotes
here, mr. editor.) [Naaah. -- ed.] To the north &
south western mass fades into Vermont & Connecticut with
a set of run down, economically busted mill towns, and super-bummin'
small cities - some sheltering their own mini-enclaves of
weirdness that reports back into the folds of said "Tofu
Curtain." As voracious yuppie demand for quaint boutiques
& tacky entertainments increase, the real estate has slowly
been pricing the freaks out of these central valley collegiate
lands and pushing them further to the edges and in the past
five years or so, more cool shit has happened in places like
Easthampton (Flywheel Collective -- performing arts space
& gallery), Hadley (Schoolhouse, Breaking World Records
HQ -- homey atmosphere cos it's their living room), Florence
(Yod Mill Outlet -- low key, "high profile" acts
on your lap, surrounded by books + records in an old factory,
run by B. Coley, T. Moore, & C. Corsano), Montague (Montague
Bookmill -- a new collective has begun booking some psyche,
folk, old time shows), Palmer (the Oldstore Shed -- great
punkspot run by some hyper kids whose mom + neighbors let
them hold shows in their moldy backyard shed, also form the
key ingredients of the Western Mass Revolutionary Drum Core),
etc. Western Mass benefits from being far enough away from
NYC & Boston that some of the more fashionable elements
overlook us, plus we don't have either of their wretched regional
accents, like we don't "caul anyone to tawk on the phone"
and rarely do we "pahk tha cah while scahfing chowdah."
However, we do benefit from being in close enough proximity
for touring folks to pass on through, and a nice little circuit
has been from Boston - Providence - Western Mass - Brattleboro,
VT - Albany/Troy, NY - New Haven, CT - NYC...
forget the music scene, tell us an interesting story from
the history of Western Mass. Oh there's lots, are
they interesting? There's UFOs & abduction stories about
the town of Washington, from a hilltown stoner reiki healer;
rumors of the swingers' club in Montague; the church with
the upside-down crosses obviously built into its structure
by early Pittsfield Satanists or if you look across park square,
on warm late-evenings, you might be able to see the cross
dressing Ghost-Hooker who walks faster than wind - she hides
by the bushes outside the Berkshire Public Library; there's
the haunted Hoosic Tunnel, where alotta workers supposedly
died trying to make a really long train tunnel thru the mountains;
man i'm drawing a blank on the good, cohesive story -- i bet
my friend Mugy who lives out in Lake Pleasant would know a
few, the village he lives in has this intense and weird community
of Spiritualists who've been living there since the early
1900's... way back in the day, the entire village burned to
the ground, plus there's a fucking steamboat at the bottom
of their pond -- there's gotta be some good stories in there.
are all good! Now, back to the music. Are you Bromp Treb Sound
System? Is anyone else in the band? Yep -- Bromp
Treb is me.. ..and frequently a duo with Tumble Vry (aka Tumblecat
Poof Poofy Poof), but generally it's recording and pushing
tape around, sometimes in our underwear. Very glamorous.

you also in Fat Worm of Error? Tell us some good Fat Worm
of Error tour stories. Yes, I drum & play the
tapes too. I've got a feeling that I'm not gonna give any
particularly good story again, lessee, there was this one
time a friend was so lathered up in a frenzy over our performance
that he very recklessly hurled a cinderblock very high up
into the air and onto my arm and thru my drumset. the song
stopped, i figured out what had happened, and began squawking
at the kid like a wounded jackass, at which point, my drumset
was in shambles and i was raging adrenalized, so we finished
the set with a song with me banging on the cinderblock on
the floor. I was wearing a monochromatic, hypertight dayglo-green
outfit complete with matching stuffed monkey animal around
my neck. from all angles, it was an idiotic incident, and
luckily nobody was hurt... Up to this point, we’ve only
toured round the northeast & the midwest, & the hijinks
have been minimal – lemme get back to ya after our tour
this summer w/ Metalux.
never seen Fat Worm of Error play live. Does the audience
usually get lathered up in a frenzy, whether cinderblocks
are involved or not? Are you generally able to "get the
crowd going"? Well,
different folks do different things, but I think we play better
when there’s some sort of ‘on the verge of berserko’
activity in the crowd, usually in the form of the blissed-out
tard-fag siezure rather than the tense, throat-puncher beef-fisting
of a hardcore crowd. I babble and slobber a lot. Goddard,
she gets the brunt of the audience love – she changes
her costume for almost every song, a sort speed-cabaret calisthetics,
plus there’s lotsa props, which usually don’t
work or get squashed, as in the case of our Six Foot Squid-that-eats-the-leprechaun-Baby,
which, at our texas ballroom show in chicago last summer,
was ritualistically devoured by a lubricated audience of touchers.
On one hand it was a bummer, cos, well, some of us spent alotta
time making it, & on the other, we no longer had to carry
it up & down the stairs, in & outta the van etc. Maybe
as long as there is love involved, these destructive flailings
can be forgiven.
to the records, I get the feeling that you guys practice quite
a bit. How often? Twice a week.

came first, Bromp Treb or Fat Worm? What got you into music?
What got you into WEIRD music? Bonzo Dog Band? What non-weird
music do you like? Bromp Treb came first and at its
earliest stages, was a lame attempt to make a rub-a-dub danceparty
out of some CD-loops, a drum machine, & some hotwired/bent
toy keyboards. A few years later it mutated into a more respectable
noise/tape/beats type thing that continued to develop alongside
FWOE. Fat Worm came outta wanting to start a rock band, being
friends w/ coop (gtr) & goddard, getting kinda tired of
the pleasant listening audiences of the improv/noise/freejazz
scenes we were rolling with, coop meeting sheldon (gtr) thru
playing together in the Smith College Gamelan, the four of
us making up like 5 songs in one long night’s session,
& finally finding & holding onto Donnie (bass). .
. I remember my 2nd or 3rd grade music teacher, a hefty irish
woman, turned off the lights in our basement music room and
played us a record of Henry Cowell’s “the Banshee,”
totally creepy at the time, and I remember her explaining
that he would crawl into the piano to make those sounds –
I thought that was so fucking cool, plus it amazes me that
I even remember being exposed to shit like that in the context
of a honky suburban public school. the rest of my youth was
spent digging metal, punk and eventually into jazz and noise
and weirder shibby. As cheesy as it sounds I try everything,
I’m way more open & into afrobeat, funk, early dancehall,
whatever has a cooked or poly beat. Is that “Non-Weird”
music? What’s weird? Curtis Mayfield or Super Blowfly?
UROY or Arthur Doyle? The Kinks or Hair Police? Bring it on,
all of it.
is pretty weird, that's for sure. Is it true that your certified
name is Neil Young? Were you born before he was famous? I
was born, he was famous, my parents were squares, & they
just thought the name had a nice ring to it, plus they knew
some guy named Neil who seemed pretty cool. and so i was named.
There is a part of the story that involves a tantric sex cult
that my parents nearly split over in the mid-seventies, but
I'm not really comfortable talking about that. I've gone by
a few different names, all trying to somehow shake the reference,
but some version of “kayleen” is what I’ve
loosely settled with.. Neil is fine too, altho for the rest
of this interview, I am Insrahn Cornuck.
really sorry to stretch this into two questions, but I have
to ask: did you get into Neil Young albums at any point growing
up? If so, was it weird? Oddly, no… & no.
long have you been doing Yeay! Cassettes? What are a few fond
memories of this endeavor? As long as I’ve
made music, I have taped things and made packages and treated
them like “releases.” It all started in elementary
school with my friend doug, banging on plastic buckets, sticking
paperclips in the strings of my dad’s acoustic guitar
to get a fuzz tone and recording us shouting songs over our
vigorous plinking onto a crappy mono cassette recorder . We
were way into drawing comics at the time, and I think this
all came as an extension of our fantastical sketches of fake
robot/mutant animal punk band cartoons. The tapes we’d
record would have covers with song titles, and once we figured
out photocopiers, and got our first electric guitars and gorrilla
practice amps, it was only gonna get worse. I think we were
still playing make believe, around our freshman year of highschool
(1991) when we actually settled on a name for a “label”
- Yeay! Records. We had finished a 10 song tape in one night
and thought that it might be something we could actually share
with more than 5 friends – so we pasted up a cover,
went to the local 5+10, bought 100 cut-out cassettes (they
were cheaper than buying blank tapes!) and without any sense
of irony or knowledge of the RRR recycled series, we taped
over these shrinkwrapped cutouts, inserted our j-cards, and
sold em for a buck each around school. Come to think of it,
that may have been the first and only Yeay! release to pay
for itself.
know very little about all the personnel who are doing all
the stuff on all the Western Mass compilation tapes and cdr's
and whatnot. Are you Angst Hase Pfefer Nase? I am
Insrahn Cornuck. Angst Hase Pfefer Nase is a lifeproject of
one of Fat Worm's guitarists, a Mister Chris Cooper (no relation
to the actor - see all of our name issues?). He mangles tapeloops
and synth-o-sizer-mo-graphic-er-ators and makes a terribly
lovely racket. He's
very deliberate & likes to take his listeners on journeys
as fancy as his flouncy waxed 'stache. There's a fine LP of
his on Menlo Park & i think there's also some sorta 7"
was out way back in the day on some label. He and Goddard
(Fat Worm's singer/magician/electronicist) used to roll with
punx of SF, & collaborate with/in Grux-y projects like
Caroliner, Primus, Deft Billcocks, & Commode Minstrels
In Bullface. To make matters worse, that lil fucker's in Barn
Owl too. I think i get to that below.
you Arthro Rex? I am Insrahn Cornuck. Anthro Rex
is short for Anthropaphagus Rex (i think it means 'cannibal')
- and he is the accumulation of a childhood of saturday morning
cereal junk media saturation, adolescent videogame gore fixation,
& teen heavymetal nihilist sexploitaion - in short, he
is obsessed with sloppy youth damage, & his project has
devolved from angsty songs played on a $10 guitar in highschool
to ground chuck noise & pure audience baiting. One of
his latest tapes (on Breaking World Records) is noise from
his job at a hummus factory & a collage of tuning/feedback
noises from a bunch of old misfits live bootlegs – a
fairly brilliant stew.

is Diagram A? Not me. Diagram A is yet another solo
project, only that this one's not a transplant to western
mass, but a hometown boy. He's been cranking out brutal shit
since the early 90's. he was out in Chicago for a bit (school),
& is now back out here with us. Back in the day, he was
more about the white noise, feedback squall, and drum machine
business, but now he's more about the malpractice of surgical
operations on all things electronic - he frankensteins the
internal organs and transplants them into these boxes &
twitching meat sculptures. His whole thing is a bit more visual
and visceral live, but his records are some fine juice. RRRrecords
has put out a real good CD a year or two ago, but more recently
he's on the new RRR 20 year Anniversary, 5-LP Boxed set...
He's got shit out everywhere, including two split CD releases
with Noise Nomads (one they put out themselves for a tour
& the other just came out on BWR)...
is x.o.4? x.o.4 stands for "Xanadu Octet 4."
that's total bull, i have no idea what it stands for, but
it's a duo that's primarily been a studio + tapemail collabortation
between a mr. Bill Nace & a mr. John Truscinski. The cut
on RAP POUCH was while Bill was livin in Brighton, England
& T. was holdin' it down out here. While in England, Nace
met up with Dylan Nyoukis and Karen (Lollipop?) and formed
Ceylon Mange, who is incidentally, gonna briefly tour out
here in a coupla weeks. John Truscinski is half of another
great duo called Slaughterhouse Percussion, and they bring
the serious poly jams, unfortunately they were unable to bring
em to the RAP POUCH. x.o.4 just finished a full length thang
for a label in Belgium (AudioBot)...
is Barn Owl? Barn Owl is a trio of noodlin' doods
- namely, the aforementioned C. Cooper on prepared guitar/electronics,
Andy Crespo on super-farty-squeeky bass, and Matt Weston (a
chicago transplant!) percussion/electronics. They make good
squiggly crakle raking improv noises - Crank Satori put out
their 3" CD - and, finally, i think they're gettin' the
credit they deserve, i mean, they've been around a while,
and it seemed nobody gave a fuck. i was gonna rant here, but
i think this'll suffice - let's just remember, "Barn
Owl = good."
is Noise Nomads? Noise Nomads is Jeff Harford. sometimes
i think he ran the underground railroad to Providence, RI.
But he is, as Ben Jones put it, "our western mass sherpa,"
a sasquatch hunk, tough-skinned buffoon, broken, brutally
embarrassed, a no-fi mistake, earnest, shrug. His performances
are always most uncomfortable either in volume or in awkward
confusion, but always incredibly satisfying and pretty much
unlike anything else around here. His tapes are everywhere
and he frequently splits it with Diagram A. i truly love this
you Tumble Cat Poof Poofy Poof? I
am Insrahn Cornuck & Tumble Cat Poof Poofy Poof is my
friend and sometimes Bromp Collaborator. On his own, he plunks
himself down on the floor like a kid getting ready to assemble
a puzzle or play with a pile of legos, & gently messages
reflective tones, sqwaks, pings, & beats out of
his junk of choice: halfworking boomboxes, low-grade drum
machines, rusty glockenspiel, and cooing accordion.. his performances
alternate between nervous intense & quietly cute, but
endearingly so - maybe like having a warm smooth rock that
you can obsessively fondle in your coat pocket.

you Steve Zultanksi? ok, the Insrahn Cornuck joke's
old, no I'm not Steve Zultanski, but he was raised in wilds
of New Jersey & relocated to our region seeking a graduate
education... He's mostly known round these parts as a writer,
but his songwriting and arranging skills have been on display
on his debut solo CDR "Ghost Hole" on BWR. He also
formed a wacky power trio called YONK YONK - which could be
considered "psych" as a way to move more product,
but really they're more an obtuse “pop” with very
memorable melodies, and they don't have that omnipresent musk
of the 60's that permeates the aforementioned category. other
members of YONK YONK include the dynamic duo behind BWR, BenGeorge7
- who, despite your not inquiring [Oops! I meant to, honest!
-- ed.], are quite worth a brief mention: BenGeorge7,
graduates of Y2K, imperial soldiers of Yin & Yang, Pushers
of the Wheelbarrel of Truth have been around as long as I've
known em, most likely longer. They occupy a mostly-ignored
space between folk performance/ritual & standupcomedy/audience
provocation. Not quite the Smothers Brothers, hardly the Sun
City Girls, maybe more like ALF & Andrew Dice Clay - either
way, they're no fucking joke - they dress like masked zapitistas,
dressed head to toe, ben in monochromatic red, george in monochromatic
blue, both wearing those godawful huge old people glasses.
Their BWR releases sparkle with studio dribble, field recordings,
knife fights, medieval torture-dunkings, and I even got to
master one of em (sing along with the windchimes) ... oh fuck
i'm tired of writing, and answering your questions, and i'd
like some editorial input, mr editor. thank you goodday..

okay, that's cool, but wait, I was just gonna ask you . .
. . what's coming up for Bromp Treb and Yeay Cass. and Fat
Worm? FWOE will tour the US this summer. We’re
also working on an LP for Load Records, no date as of yet,
cos we want it to be real thick. Bromp Treb is laying a bit
low right now, maybe a show here or there but no new releases
for a few months. Yeay! has a buncha new stuff lined up to
be released: Tumblecat Poof Poofy Poof, Chemical Wedding,
a Dark Inside the Sun studio release, a punk demotape by Jason
Martin, maybe a new FWOE mixtape . . .
Worm of Error
World Records
