Dude sent me 9 CD-Rs in the mail, half of them without covers.
"It's the sounds that are important" he said in
his e-mail, which I totally agree with. Covers do help somewhat
when it comes to writing reviews, but I should be alright
Dude in question
is Paul Harrison, who I last heard of when some other zine
editor sent me a letter written on the back of one of the
one-sheet catalogs for Harrison's label. He lives in the
UK and is in (and/or just plain is) the band Expose Your
Eyes, who have been mentioned before in these pages. (on
this page.) His letter to Blastitude was also
written on the back of one of his one-sheet catalogs. (Reproduced
Before diving
in, I expect some kind of weird slightly crusty slightly
pagan-ish British thing, sort of like a more home-made Throbbing
Gristle, with a big spoonful of Smell & Quim-like noise
antics thrown in. He's from a town called Sowerby Bridge,
which of course I've never heard of, so I can't get any
read on him that way, as I could if he were part of the
Leeds scene or the Stoke-on-Trent scene, as both were profiled
in a "hot scenes" sidebar to a recent gossipy
article on current underground music from Great Britain,
in Jann Wenner's US Magazine. Oh well, need to just dive
YOUR EYES: Greatest Hits CD-R

with a pretty huge noise-psych drone. Called "New Track,"
which is a good joke. For example, the first song on Rock
& Soul Part One, the greatest hits album by Hall
& Oates, is a new track, hit single "Say It Isn't
So." The "New Track" by Expose Your Eyes
is really good, not the lethargic amp-drone that we've heard
too many times, but a higher piercing kind of thing that
really does have that 'laser beam' effect. Very nicely augmented
by ethereal chiming sounds too. This is already as good
as anything I've heard from any Matthew Bower projects.
Track two "Being a Monkey" is some spoken word
thing. Foggy, British, spacy. I kinda like it. Really long.
Track three is a disco track, right in line with (and in
fact maybe a year or so ahead of) current developments in
the Detroit scene (Mammal and Viki). A sampled woman announcer
is very dystopian...I pick up snatches of what she's saying,
like, "This chaos...complex distinctions...morality
mutated into uncertainty...chaotic quantums....evolving
levels...." and shit like that. "That Remarkably
Ecstatic Chaos" is the title. Good track. Track four
"Combat Recorder" is even harder, like gabber/drill
techno hard. Bass line kills, though! This is a lot like
Mammal -- I wonder if Expose Your Eyes and Mammal have even
heard each other. What was I saying earlier about "Smell
& Quim-ish"? Well, track eight, a choppy cut-up
beaty/bouncy noise track, is called "Message For D.
Walklett." After more foggy spoken word samples comes
another beat-driven number, called "Gilch Trip."
I'd like to see this get mixed in at a house club. Though
I doubt it would make anyone leave the dance floor, I think
it would have a noticeable effect. Track ten "Trepidation"
is another drone piece that really couldn't be played in
a house club at all; once again Eyes comes with a drone
that is quite honestly beautiful and uncompromising. It's
over 12 minutes long!
I'd say about
9 out of every 10 CDs or CD-Rs are too long, and Expose
Your Eyes Greatest Hits is yet another one of the
9's -- but everything on it is pretty good. I did turn the
volume off for about 15 minutes halfway through because
I wanted to play guitar and jam on "Marquee Moon"
a little bit, so yeah, case in point: it's generally probably
too much to listen to in one sitting.
This really is
a greatest hits collection, by the way. In fact, here's
the discography information, which I will quote in its entirety
because it really will make you think, "Man. What is
going on here with this Paul Harrison guy and, verily, with
Great Britain's entire post-punk landscape?". Here
goes: "Variations of the retitled 'NEW TRACK' were
originally recorded in about 3 or 4 different versions as
'ONE SIX AND THIRTEEN' and appeared on a variety of compilation
cassettes. 'BEING A MONKEY' was originally released on the
V/A compilation CD 'Art Apart' (EETapes). 'THAT REMARKABLY
ECSTATIC CHAOS' was originally released on 'NYCC' cassette
and then again on 'Z=z2+C' CD (both
on Fiend). 'COMBAT RECORDER' originally released on 'Wasted
Burn Out--Fuck You!' cassette & CD (Small Orange). 'FALLEN'
was originally released on 'The Fallen' cassette (Succhiasega
were originally an 8" vinyl release on Scum Records.
'MESSAGE FOR D. WALKLETT' was originally released as an
8" vinyl split with Smell & Quim on SHF. 'GILCH
TRIP' was originally released on 'Harrison's Desk' cassette
& CD (Fiend). 'TREPIDATION' was originally released
on 'Resolution' CD (Umbababayee Records). 'HERE THERE EVERYWHERE'
were originally released on 'Stalks' cassette (Fiend)."
Wha??? Lots of info. No wonder this guy sent me like 11
CD-Rs with titles/tracks scrawled on 'em in magic marker
and no covers. It's so much that even he can barely keep
track of it.
YOUR EYES: Live Under Junky CD-R
Two tracks, free-flowing noise jams/drones/chips/punches/skrees/
squalls. Both longer than shit. Lots of good sounds and
a nice, ultimately languid let-it-all-hang-out approach
that is the only thing other than short, varied tracks that
can make the Being Beat Up Again For 30 Minutes genre listenable
for me. Still, as I say a few times in every issue, I don't
have too much use for 30-minute noise tracks. At this point,
I really just want to hear songs or song-length ideas. For
example, given all the great but oft overlong raw jams on
the Expose Your Eyes Greatest Hits CD, I would have
edited two-to-five-minute excerpts from each one into a
continuous collage like The Faust Tapes. But, of
course, that's just me, and that's not even the album being
reviewed. The album that is being reviewed isn't all that
great in a sea of hundreds of releases like it.

(FIEND 032) CD-R
review written without reviewer knowing whether record was
by a single artist or various artists) With this Spintronics
record, Fiend Records is sounding more and more like a straight
techno label. This is one he sent without a cover, and all
it says on the disc is "Spintronics," which is
hand-written in magic marker, along with an un-numbered
list of what look more like track titles than band names,
so I tend to think it's not a comp, but an artist named
Spintronics....let's see....have I heard of such a thing?
It doesn't really seem to matter much in the Fiend Records
stable. It's kind of unclear who the artist is, or what
the difference is between Expose Your Eyes and Paul Harrison
solo, or if Paul Harrison is or isn't Spintronics and Random
Number and Superfuckers and Tollbridge Snakepoke etc. No
matter who's who, most of this huge amount of music seems
to end up being beat-driven underground techno. There is
a refreshingly heavy influence from the Gristle and the
whole crusty British noise scene, but in the end, at least
half of these 11 Fiend Records titles could be taken to
any DJ gig and dropped into the mix at any time during the
night or into the playlist of the good anonymous techno
shows I hear on small Chicago radio stations after midnight,
driving to and from the loop to give my lady a ride home
from work.
I could be wrong.
Maybe Fiend Records isn't even mostly techno. I got 11 of
these suckers all at once, so who knows how long it'll take
for me to actual start differentiating between them. Is
there such a thing as being too prolific, even when everything
you do is good? The example of Fiend Records would lead
me to say "Yes." After all, people talk about
how the marketplace of records is glutted. When you make
as much music as Paul Harrison/Fiend Records does, maybe
you shouldn't release it all. Some good things are just
going to have to stay in the vaults. Take that guy Prince,
and the legend about him having 300 songs (or was it 300
hours of songs) completely finished and recorded, ready
for release, and every single one of them was a hit. Well,
with all that material, he could've gone and released 80
records on his own label, but he didn't, did he? (I realize
that Prince's recent career, with its surprising number
of triple-CD releases, jeopardizes my argument somewhat.)
Ah, track four throws
a curveball -- it's a slightly more above-ground sounding
song with a trip-hop beat and rather dusted-sounding female
vocals. Might sound kinda trendy to you, like The Sneaker
Pimps or someshit, but it's actually a really good song,
which further proves my point about Fiend Records: even
if they do too much, everything they do is pretty darn good.
See, track five is farging
great too, an electro track that is just plain funky. Thank
you, Fiend! People say that electro and especially retro
electro are played out, because they ARE, which is because
no one is funky enough! And somehow Fiend Records is funky
enough. Who else can be? Mammal? Viki Hott? Peaches? Magas?
Is Adult. funky? Not really. About as funky as The Faint.
Funk is hard to do (in fact it used to be a bad word), especially
since these folks are white (though all named are from points
on the perennially funky Great Lakes basin). (Except The
Faint, who are from Nebraska, which, though not completely
D'Void, is not a hotbed for the funk.)
Anyway, I don't
think I'm going to listen to the rest of this comp. Because
it's a Fiend release, it's filled to the brim with like
20 fairly long tracks, and I just don't think I have time.
That Andrew W.K. disc is callin' me back! But then, shit,
track seven is another honestly excellent spacy-cool-chick
trip-hop song, and track eight after that is really good
too! So, whatever, the guy can release 80 CD-Rs, each of
them with 74 minutes of music, if he wants. That's just
somebody else's closet. None of us have any need to go all
the way into it. He's just offering to sell us the key in
case we're bored. If you are, you should go to fiendrecordings.com
and buy this Spintronics CD-R, the Superfuckers Live
in Europe, and Expose Your Eyes Greatest Hits.
(And, if you want something you can REALLY just mix into
any club setting, throw in the not-groundbreaking but as-solid-as-anything-else
Habitual Mastabreaker Dextrous Wave disc.)
one's TOTAL techno music. Just club music, really. It's
become normal for people to send me fucked-up techno that
skips and glitches its way in fits and starts to no kind
of groove whatsoever, and now this music, because it could
actually be used as a background on MTV shows, is what really
sounds shocking.
Live in Europe CD-R
a break from all the techno beats! "Live in Europe"
refers to this group just travelling around the European
continent recording various sounds in various locales. With
Fiend Records you're usually going to get either hard-beat
techno or freaky noise, but if you're a fan of that sort
of CGT/SCG on-location cultural drift, with an extra appetite
for some pretty striking noise shenanigans thanks to "quick
mix and manipulation back in England (no additional sounds
added)," you might wanna pick this one out of the hundreds.
Track six, a field recording of a waterfall in Lauterbrunnen,
Switzerland, is especially intense. (The Superfuckers are
not to be confused with the Starfuckers, from Italy, who've
put out a CD or two and are pretty incredible in a completely
different way.)

know what this was when it started with a nice whipporwill-drone
effect from a hard-to-peg instrument. Nice, but could go
into either Post Rock or New Age, neither of which it does,
when after a couple minutes a rather tough Hip-hop beat
comes in. Eventually I figure out that it's probably a Fiend
release. The beat is tough, and it has just the right amount
of occasional prog flourishes; mixed with the whipporwill-drone
effect it's like an improvised jazz duet I've been wanting
to hear for years. Subsequent tracks go pleasantly back
and forth between freenoise and hardcore beats. Track 5
is even something of a landmark, where a suave hip-hop feel
is dismantled by queasy tape edits that resemble a CD skipping.
There's a remix of track one, and an electroacoustic jam
that reminds me of early Spykes, and more hardbeat madness
that you could easily slap "early AFX" on and
fool every trainspotter in the world. For probably the sixth
time on this page, I'm amazed that even when the seemingly
hundreds of Fiend releases seem to be at their samiest and
overlong, all of the material -- track after track
after track -- is really damn good. It's crazy.
SNAKEPOKE: the gribules of kc's brow CD-R
More of a classic
noise record, this is two long extended tracks of... classic
noise. That is, track one is 16 odd minutes of infernal
buzzing, with some sort of motivational speaker sample going
on through most of it. Though the sounds are fine, the juxtaposition
doesn't have any special connotation, and as cliches, neither
ingredient is even in the "recent" file anymore.
Track two is a marked improvement. Though still nothing
startling, it sort of sounds like a Wolf Eyes jam without
any beats.
generic is good when it comes to Fiend Records. I don't
even know who I'm writing about right now, but it's a good
nameless harsh noise record. The sounds are excellent, and
what's better, a lot of approach-changing and post-prod
collaging is going on. In a previous review on this very
page, I wrote, "As I say a few times in every issue,
I don't have too much use for 30-minute noise tracks. At
this point, I really just want to hear songs or song-length
ideas." Well, this record answers that very prayer.
(And it's still too damn long -- the tracks may be a series
of "song-length ideas," but they're all 10 or
15 minutes long, and there's six of them. Any two of these
tracks would've been enough to make a great album, no joke.)
Robbed CD-R
was just reading back this issue's Abruptum review while
listening to this album and it occurred to me that the Abruptum
album is all about saying its evil while this one is all
about sounding evil. As per usual with Fiend Records,
this is good noise. Unlike the Superfuckers' Live In
Europe, which was all field recordings, Robbed
is good old electronic tone terror. The first track is 16
or so minutes, starting with soft fuzz and some ironic 'dirty
word' soundbites, and really building up to a full head
of psychedelic steam. Recommended. But see, track one was
15 minutes, track two is 15 minutes, the whole thing is
74 minutes -- it's too much music!!! I'd have to be on a
long car trip by myself to listen to this whole thing. (That's
what it took for me to listen to all of Ashtray Navigations'
equally excellent and equally overlong Tristes Tropiques
for the first time.)

all 769!!!" The Fiend Records catalog.
An interview with Paul "Fiend"
what's your biographical background? What led you to play
the music you play? Well, it is LITERALLY a continuation
of PLAY that has never stopped since childhood -- the first
sort of play I remember specifically connected with SOUND
was in my early teens -- me & a friend would create
fake radio shows (playing our records & speaking on
a microphone inbetween & just being
daft -- speeding things up/messing about) -- we would record
it all onto tape & then listen back to it.....then a
bit later I got into Super 8 & making my own little
films on video tape and used to enjoy dubbing sounds onto
the images....then I just began playing around with sounds
& realized that they could create their own images (which
could be much richer & sort of open to interpretation
than some PARTICULAR image on a screen)....
think that We Are All Fucking Each Other In Heaven should
be reissued by Astralwerks because it's the best techno
album I've heard in three years. What do you think of it?
Why is it by Paul Harrison instead of Expose Your Eyes,
or some other moniker? It is techno, right? Well,
yes -- I think it's techno -- it's sort of my noisy tribute
to the original 'rave' scene that occured in the UK at the
end of the 1980's (there were a lot of extremely energetic/raw/wild
sounds being created then by all sorts of unknowns -- moving
away from the often stilted 'house' sound into more crazed
bursts of primal energy & stipped down forceful stuff
-- to me, this was the REAL 'rave' music -- something truly
new, fresh & vivacious -- it did have a similar feel
to when punk happened in the 70s -- some people have maintained
a playful & experimental approach to making dance/techno
music (whatever you want to call it) but too many FORMULA
approaches have evolved and the whole scene has since been
watered down & commercialized to a large extent). On
'We Are All Fucking...' I sampled some parts from a couple
of my favourite old rave tracks (which, unfortunately I
only have a poor tape copy of & I don't even know what
they're called or who made 'em!) -- I used my own name basically
because it seemed to me that Expose Your Eyes as a 'project'
& a name had sort of run it's natural course -- it was
basically a NOISE project I'd been doing for a good few
years all tied up with a period of, not really INTENSE (compared
to some people!) but quite FREQUENT use of psychedelics....I
was getting to a point where I wasn't doing psychedelics
so often, I wasn't that interested in NOISE anymore (getting
back into beats & sometimes tunes even!)....just seemed
like I should be ME instead of E.Y.E (although I do still
use other silly names sometimes & find it a good release/therapy
to MAKE some noise every once in a while!!). What do I think
of 'We Are All Fucking...'? Well -- i think it has a great
ENERGY to it (I wanted to capture some of that feeling from
the early rave stuff & I think it does that) -- it's
probably a bit TOO RAW in places & probably does ramble
on a bit too long!
also think thought We Are All Fucking Each Other In
Heaven should have been shorter. It could've been two
excellent albums or four excellent EPs instead of one excellent
but overlong album. Why are all your releases 70 or more
minutes long? Yes
a lot of my releases go on too long I suppose -- I don't
know -- it's probably down to having no money & not
wanting to waste cd space! People could always listen to
a bit of it one time & a different bit the next time...
I have started thinking recently that maybe I put out too
much stuff -- especially my own stuff -- often the whole
PROCESS of what I'm doing (playing around etc.) will get
documented in some form or another on an
actual release -- maybe it's too much (too self indulgent?)
-- been thinking maybe I should just release stuff that
I'm really TOTALLY satisfied with -- it's difficult because
I've always done this for my own listening pleasure and
never really had an 'audience' for many years -- now that
there are a small amount of people interested in listening
to my stuff I'm thinking this way about not burdening them
with excess crap, but can I really judge which are the good
pieces? They might not like the same bits as I do..!
Julien Donkey-Boy sample. I already get that hard-partyin'
Harmony Korine vibe from the vast grotty scope of your subterranean
discography. Does hard partying play into the Fiend Recordings
lifestyle? Julien Donkey-Boy was quite
a good film -- Ewen Bremner is good in the role (he's also
great in the film NAKED and in TRAINSPOTTING, although,
personally I don't think TRAINSPOTTING is such a good film).
Lovely to see
Werner Herzog in 'Julien...' too -- he's quite funny! Yeah
, I also took samples from JESUS' SON which is pretty good
and from an old (1970s) British children's show called RAINBOW.
Not much hard partying in my life these days...like I say
I used to take
psychedelics quite often & drank quite a lot (always
maintained respect for psychedelics & approached them
in that way -- a space to go into to learn stuff/see things
in different ways -- not really just into getting off my
face for the sake of it -- that I would do more with booze..)
-- what I think of as the Smell & Quim era (!) was probably
the most intense period of partying for me -- used to be
part of their extended gang of freaks! Lots of gatherings
& alcoholic excess there... Generally, though, I've
never been a very social person....and these days I'm in
a very special relationship (with Candi Nook) -- been together
for quite a few years -- travelling together, both making
music, both really involved with Fiend right now & with
serious thoughts about starting a family in the next couple
of years -- don't have time for partying!
you ever play live? Do a weekly DJ night? What's it like
in your town -- do you go to Manchester and Leeds a lot
to play and hear music or do you just ignore it and stay
home? I've played live with Smell & Quim quite
a few times -- that was always good fun! And once, at the
Edinburgh Fringe Festival, I played alongside Prick Decay,
Neil Campbell, Stewart Walden,
Sticky Foster & Richard Youngs -- I was only just getting
to know some people on the NOISE scene at that point (having
done it myself for years in isolation previously) -- that
was quite exciting & fun.....as Expose Your Eyes I only
played once & it was pretty terrible -- there were lots
of 'technical difficulties' and the whole thing was a bit
of a fuck up....the last time I performed live was as part
of the Candi Nook set for the Extreme Music From Women launch
event in London. I enjoyed it , but performing live isn't
really my thing -- I wouldn't say I'll never do it again
but wouldn't be too bothered if I never did. Oh, I also
did a duet with Rob Hayler of Fencing Flatworm Recordings
at a Termite Club event in Leeds (we were doing duelling
grooveboxes)... I used to go to Leeds events quite often
-- not so much these days -- it's good that there are loads
of people doing stuff in and around Leeds.
many releases have you put out? Does the label bring in
money? 52 cassette releases, 69 cdr releases so
far, couple of lathe cut LPs...No, it's very much a labour
of love! Generally we do each item to order (can't afford
the risk of getting a certain amount done in advance &
probably not being able to sell 'em!) -- on our PC or cassette
deck -- do all the covers as well...we just cover the costs
of the raw materials, postage etc. -- whatever might be
left goes to pay the electricity bill! Maybe the odd drink
for our efforts! Considering the amount of work we've both
been putting into it recently (with setting up the website
& a huge backlog of releases) we must be fucking crazy!
But we have definite plans to slow down
and try to maintain it as the enjoyable hobby it SHOULD
be rather than the daily grind it's turned into this last
few months!
plans? Words of wisdom? Mission statement? A few of your
favorite things? In closing? SLOW down. Learn to
say NO to people who want to release something on Fiend.
Learn to stop ASKING people if they want to release something
on Fiend or do some kind of collaboration with me!! I won't
go into words of wisdom, mission statement or fave things
this time...I think I've said enough.